

Terms of Service

Purist Media Server and Purist inTouch App Terms of Service ("Agreement")

This Agreement is made between Purist ("Purist") and the individual or entity acquiring or accessing the Services ("Customer"). This Agreement includes the terms set forth herein and any associated Order Form. The "Effective Date" is the earlier of (a) Customer's first use of the Services or (b) the date of the first Order Form. This Agreement covers the initial purchase as well as any future purchases by Customer that reference this Agreement. Purist may update this Agreement.

  1. Definitions

1.1 "Authorized Devices" refers to the mobile, desktop, or other devices approved for Service access and use.

1.2 "Content" denotes any code, content, designs, documents, or materials developed or used within the Services by Customer or its Users, or imported therein by Customer or its Users.

1.3 "Documentation" consists of the instructional materials provided by Purist in any form describing the Service use and operation.

1.4 "Services" signifies Purist's proprietary server and app solutions, including associated desktop and mobile applications. Each Order Form will detail the Customer's Service subscription specifics.

1.5 "Order Form" is a mutually signed document detailing the Services provided by Purist under this Agreement.

1.6 "Users" are the Customer-affiliated individuals provided access to the Services by Customer.

  1. License and Use Rights

2.1 Services License. Purist grants Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the Services on Authorized Devices, strictly for internal business purposes per the Documentation.

2.2 Account Registration. Users must register for an account providing required information. Account credentials are personal and not for team sharing or bot use.

2.3 Software Use Restrictions. Customer agrees not to misuse the Services, including but not limited to, unauthorized access, sharing sensitive information without consent, reverse engineering, modifying, transferring, or using the Services unlawfully or for prohibited purposes.

  1. Ownership Rights

3.1 IP Rights. Apart from granted licenses, no intellectual property rights transfer between Parties under this Agreement.

3.2 Purist Ownership. Purist retains all rights to the Services, excluding Customer Content.

3.3 Customer Ownership. Customer holds rights to its Content within the Services.

  1. Customer Content

4.1 Use and Sharing. Customer can upload and share Content through the Services, retaining ownership. Purist is not obligated to store or maintain Customer Content.

4.2 License to Display. Customer grants Purist a worldwide license to display Content as needed for Service provision.

  1. Customer Responsibilities

5.1 Legal Compliance. Customer is responsible for legal compliance in handling End User information and security.

5.2 Privacy Notice. Customer will maintain a privacy policy and manage End User data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

  1. Security and Confidentiality

6.1 Purist will maintain security measures and expects Customer to assess and agree to the measures as fitting their needs.

6.2 Confidential Information. Parties agree to protect each other's Confidential Information disclosed during the Agreement's Term.

  1. Fees and Payment

7.1 Payment Terms. Customer agrees to timely payments as specified in the Agreement, excluding applicable taxes.

  1. Term and Termination

8.1 Term. The Agreement commences on the Effective Date and renews automatically unless otherwise terminated or canceled.

8.2 Termination. Parties may terminate the Agreement for material breach, with required notice and remedy period.

  1. Miscellaneous

9.1 Entire Agreement. This Agreement is the complete agreement between the Parties, overriding any prior agreements or discussions.

9.2 Amendments. Purist may amend the Agreement with notice to Customer, effective upon subscription renewal or new Order Form entry.

9.3 Governing Law. This Agreement is governed by applicable laws without regard to conflict of laws principles.

9.4 Assignment. Neither Party may assign this Agreement without the other's consent, except in cases of mergers, acquisitions, or asset sales.

9.5 Execution. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, all constituting the same instrument.

Note: These Terms of Service are general and may be supplemented by separate negotiated agreements for specific Customers.

For any clarifications or inquiries, please contact info@purist.com.

Purist Media Server and Purist inTouch App Terms of Service ("Agreement")

This Agreement is made between Purist ("Purist") and the individual or entity acquiring or accessing the Services ("Customer"). This Agreement includes the terms set forth herein and any associated Order Form. The "Effective Date" is the earlier of (a) Customer's first use of the Services or (b) the date of the first Order Form. This Agreement covers the initial purchase as well as any future purchases by Customer that reference this Agreement. Purist may update this Agreement.

  1. Definitions

1.1 "Authorized Devices" refers to the mobile, desktop, or other devices approved for Service access and use.

1.2 "Content" denotes any code, content, designs, documents, or materials developed or used within the Services by Customer or its Users, or imported therein by Customer or its Users.

1.3 "Documentation" consists of the instructional materials provided by Purist in any form describing the Service use and operation.

1.4 "Services" signifies Purist's proprietary server and app solutions, including associated desktop and mobile applications. Each Order Form will detail the Customer's Service subscription specifics.

1.5 "Order Form" is a mutually signed document detailing the Services provided by Purist under this Agreement.

1.6 "Users" are the Customer-affiliated individuals provided access to the Services by Customer.

  1. License and Use Rights

2.1 Services License. Purist grants Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the Services on Authorized Devices, strictly for internal business purposes per the Documentation.

2.2 Account Registration. Users must register for an account providing required information. Account credentials are personal and not for team sharing or bot use.

2.3 Software Use Restrictions. Customer agrees not to misuse the Services, including but not limited to, unauthorized access, sharing sensitive information without consent, reverse engineering, modifying, transferring, or using the Services unlawfully or for prohibited purposes.

  1. Ownership Rights

3.1 IP Rights. Apart from granted licenses, no intellectual property rights transfer between Parties under this Agreement.

3.2 Purist Ownership. Purist retains all rights to the Services, excluding Customer Content.

3.3 Customer Ownership. Customer holds rights to its Content within the Services.

  1. Customer Content

4.1 Use and Sharing. Customer can upload and share Content through the Services, retaining ownership. Purist is not obligated to store or maintain Customer Content.

4.2 License to Display. Customer grants Purist a worldwide license to display Content as needed for Service provision.

  1. Customer Responsibilities

5.1 Legal Compliance. Customer is responsible for legal compliance in handling End User information and security.

5.2 Privacy Notice. Customer will maintain a privacy policy and manage End User data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

  1. Security and Confidentiality

6.1 Purist will maintain security measures and expects Customer to assess and agree to the measures as fitting their needs.

6.2 Confidential Information. Parties agree to protect each other's Confidential Information disclosed during the Agreement's Term.

  1. Fees and Payment

7.1 Payment Terms. Customer agrees to timely payments as specified in the Agreement, excluding applicable taxes.

  1. Term and Termination

8.1 Term. The Agreement commences on the Effective Date and renews automatically unless otherwise terminated or canceled.

8.2 Termination. Parties may terminate the Agreement for material breach, with required notice and remedy period.

  1. Miscellaneous

9.1 Entire Agreement. This Agreement is the complete agreement between the Parties, overriding any prior agreements or discussions.

9.2 Amendments. Purist may amend the Agreement with notice to Customer, effective upon subscription renewal or new Order Form entry.

9.3 Governing Law. This Agreement is governed by applicable laws without regard to conflict of laws principles.

9.4 Assignment. Neither Party may assign this Agreement without the other's consent, except in cases of mergers, acquisitions, or asset sales.

9.5 Execution. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, all constituting the same instrument.

Note: These Terms of Service are general and may be supplemented by separate negotiated agreements for specific Customers.

For any clarifications or inquiries, please contact info@purist.com.

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